
Keegan Connor Tracy


Keegan Connor Tracy is a Canadian actress known for her roles as the ill-fated Kat Jennings in Final Destination 2 (2003), Blue Fairy (also known as Reul Glom), and Mother Superior in ABC's Once Upon a Time as well as her role as Miss Watson on the first season of Bates Motel. Other work includes roles on Beggars and Choosers, Stargate SG-1, Jake 2.0, The 4400, Psych, Battlestar Galactica,  Supernatural and White Noise. Ms. Tracy holds a BA in psychology and in addition to acting she has recently tried her hand at writing feature film scripts and a television pilot. She won the 2002 Leo and picked up a nomination for a Gemini Award for her role as an ex-junkie on an episode of DaVinci’s Inquest.

Known For

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